Live Your Dream Life

I want to start this article with a definition:

`Reality is the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them.`

So now that we got this defined. I want you to remember the last time that you were told that your ideas, dreams and hopes or anything you thought of was unrealistic.

Really get into this moment. Feel it.

What made this allegation make you feel. Broke it something within you? 
Did all your dreams chatter into a million pieces within a split of a second?

A lot of people have gone through this. Some just as a child, others as a teenager, many in adulthood and even during retirement or on their deathbed people have been told that their ideas were unrealistic.

Like the definition said earlier `Reality is the state of things as they actually exist.`
Do other people really know in what state things actually exists? 
What gives them the right to define your reality?

Many great people and ideas have been called unrealistic, impossible, but turned out to be one of humans greatest inventions and creations and have since improved the life’s of people all over the world. Most of the time all it took was only one person that followed their heart, their inner voice and kept going no matter what anybody else said or thought.
So maybe it’s your time to create something that wasn’t there before, to change the world and to astonish people and show them what the definition of reality really means.

And if fear may take the overhand at some point, just take a close look at the world around you. You are a piece of this unique, unbelievable, magic, mind blowing universe and ask yourself the question `Why should anything be impossible?`


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