Feeling Lost...

We all know these moments in our life when we feel lost.
We feel like our life has no purpose and it seems like the whole world is against us.
We fall into this dark hole.

These moments may actually have become your everyday life. They may have become your way of thinking.
You may have tried so many things to get out of this mess, but you are stuck.

Let me tell you something magical I heard just a few weeks ago that changed my way of thinking.

“Everything you want to believe is true and it becomes your reality, because there is no eternally true reality.”

I am not saying that things come true when you think about them, but you can decide how you want your life to feel and how you think about it and by only changing these two things… your life will make a complete shift.

I want you to close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. 
Feel into your whole body.
Feel into every little cell of your body.
Breath in and out.
I want you to imagine a cloud coming in your direction and stopping right over your head. Its beautiful, fluffy, peaceful and calm.
You take all your taughts, bad beliefs, worries and put them in the cloud.
When you are done the cloud slowly takes off into the sky … far away from you.
Once more you breath in and out and when you open your eyes you fill them with curiosity. I want you to look at the world like you did as a child. With pure curiosity.
Take a good look at the world and try to enjoy everything you see.
All the bad  left with the cloud and now your eyes are free.
Ready for new encounters and believes.
You can reprogram your mind every time you want to, 
because everything exists of energy and energy is transitioning all the time.

We are made out of energy.
We can change all the time.

So stop worrying about being stuck.

I know that you can change, because you create your own reality and I know that you are capable of amazing and great things.

I believe that we can create the reality we want to live. 


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